An Official Neighborhood Little Free Library? Yes, Please!

Our historic neighborhood – the Wilson Island – turned 100 years in 2019.  I have been a part of a small group of neighbors who have been organizing monthly events including a walking tour, a neighborhood lecture event complete with official proclamations, and a scavenger hunt.  We have discussed the process of obtaining more trees for our sidewalk strips, creating a neighborhood time capsule, and the possibility of installing historic streetlights.  We have also designed, raised money, and purchased new street signs for our 2-block by 3-block neighborhood.


On a personal note, I brought the idea of incorporating a Little Free Library into our neighborhood as part of our centennial celebrations.  Being on the corner right in the middle of the neighborhood, we had an opening right next to the sidewalk and between two hedges that proved to be the perfect spot for a mini-house filled with books.

If you are not familiar with the Little Free Library movement and their Take a Book, Share a Book slogan, it is the world’s largest book-sharing movement!  They are popping up in neighborhoods and commercial areas all over.  They are small weatherproof structures holding a couple of shelves where books are enclosed but easily accessed. Passersby are welcome to peruse the books in the library and take one that might be interesting to them. No library card necessary!  Users are encouraged to leave a book to replace one they take. What a great solution to overflowing personal library bookshelves!


Our neighborhood group embraced the idea and the location. We registered our library and got our own charter sign and number (we’re legit!).  We found a local craftsman (Justin Burd of P, B & J Wordworking) whose family is as passionate about reading as we all are, and the project took off.  Justin and his two daughters designed the mini-house library and Justin built and installed it for us.  We enjoyed a special unveiling of our very own Wilson Island Historic District Little Free Library at our annual neighborhood block party.

Now our little library serves as a neighborhood landmark where walkers stop, browse, and grab a book.  I know it is a happening spot because every time I go out and check on the library, there are new selections for both adults and children.